7 Benefits of micro-needling

Benefits of micro-needling

7 Benefits of micro-needling

Benefits of micro-needling

  1. Improves the quality and texture of your skin (immediately)

The micro-needling procedure takes about 1 hour long and in order to get the best results should leave the skin with some pinpoint bleeding (yes, some blood is a GOOD thing).  Even with the pinpoint bleeding and the slight redness that occurs for up to about 1-1.5 days afterward, you will notice an IMMEDIATE improvement in the texture and quality of your skin.

  1. Reduces pockmarks and scarring

Another huge benefit is that skin needling (or micro needling, they are both words for the same procedure) helps reduce acne scars which are notoriously difficult to treat. So how does micro needling help with scarring? When you have any sort of scarring on your face (or anywhere on your body) your body naturally undergoes a process known as fibrosis. This is good when healing, because it makes everything stick together, but beneath the skin the glue is so strong that it can literally pull the skin down and create pock marks or scarring on the surface of the skin. The micro needling procedure helps to “break up” all of the glue and fibrosis underneath the skin which allows the skin to “let go” of the tenting and release the surface of the skin. Naturally this results in a smoother surface to your skin.

  1. Reduces blackheads

This is another pretty cool side effect of microneedling and is especially helpful for women who suffer from LOTS of black heads (especially those who have PCOS, or hormonal acne). The controlled trauma and thousands of needle pokes actually liberate and knock out black heads during the entire procedure. Immediately after you will notice a reduction in the total volume of black heads on your face (especially in your nose, but be careful because the nose is sensitive!). You will also notice that your pores are smaller in size for about 3-4 weeks after the procedure due to the healing effects and revascularization that occurs. The reduction in black heads doesn’t last forever though! It usually only lasts around 3-4 weeks which is right in time for when you would need to do the procedure again. You can further reduce black head and pore size by using the right kind of aftercare and Vitamin C serum.

  1. Treats acne and cystic acne

Not only does microneedling help treat acne scars, but it can also help treat and stop acne.

How exactly it helps acne is not well understood but it seems to be due to the fact that microneedling results in a reduction in sebum production and makes the skin less oily.

Reducing oil production on the skin and reducing black heads likely plays a role as well…

Either way, studies have shown that microneedling does indeed help treat acne.

This is mostly helpful because it means you can still get the treatment done if you are having active breakouts.

This is important because some procedures (like dermaplaning) shouldn’t be done if you have active pimples.

  1. Exfoliates the skin

Pretty much any treatment that mechanically disrupts the epidermis will result in some exfoliation. .

Exfoliation refers to removing the upper surface of the epidermis, usually the stratum corneum (which is the upper most skin layer).

This is important because your dead skin cells live on this layer and removing this layer of the epidermis makes your skin look fresh and smooth almost instantly.

This procedure isn’t as good as dermaplaning for exfoliation, but it still works!

  1. Makes you look younger by reducing fine lines and wrinkles

This might be the single best and more important benefit of microneedling…

That it can actually help you LOOK younger and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

How does microneedling make you look younger?

It has been shown that the small pin holes created by the thousands of needles break into the upper levels of the dermis and cause the release of growth factors to “repair” and “heal” from the microdamage that has been caused.

Basically your body is overreacting to the small trauma thinking that there is a BIGGER trauma and this healing process results in the release of growth factors that increase collagen and elastin levels.

In addition to the stimulation of collagen the microtrauma also results in the formulation of tons of little blood vessels which supply blood, oxygen and nutrients straight into the dermis.

The combination of these changes results in a reduction in wrinkles, healing of photodamage and tightening of existing skin – all of which makes you LOOK younger.

  1. Reduces hyperpigmentation and evens skin

the skin tone Finally, icroneedling also helps with your skin tone and can reduce hyperpigmentation.

Hyperpigmentation refers to the slight changes in your skin that can occur from inflammation, pimples, black heads, white heads, etc.

Basically, any sort of skin problem results in changes in color to the underlying skin which doesn’t match the surrounding skin. This leaves the skin looking blotchy and uneven. So how does micro-needling help? It is speculated that the micro needling increases the expression of matrix mealloproteinases which reduces hyperpigmentation. It’s also felt that the micro needling procedure reduces the growth of keratinocytes, but scientists don’t know for sure! In addition, micro-needling can (and should) be combined with Vitamin C serum to help the healing process and Vitamin C serum has been shown to balance melanin levels as well. So really the combination of micro-needling and Vitamin C serum is what you should be aiming for. It’s also worth mentioning that micro-needling is actually preferred over laser treatments of hyperpigmentation in women with darker colored skin (Fitzpatrick IV and V skin types). The reason is that some women react with WORSENING pigmentation if using lasers and micro-needling doesn’t have that problem.


and here is our list at Cosmo Secrets for top benefits of micro-needling.


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